March… hello!
We’ve been anxiously awaiting your arrival, after snow & such. We love this time of the year; the air has a freshness about it that is so energizing, and we get inspired by all the bright
And of course the busyness in this industry of designing/decorating/staging…
What’s new you ask???
Crow Wallpaper & Fabrics
Amazing … check these out!
P3TEC | Advanced Wall Protection
Sure… see Crown lines of these 3 will do well with: ~
CBM Blinds
*Automation* … is now so reasonable & easy!
With your Alexa, Google Home, smartphone & tablet

Ask us…
Textile Trimmings
*New Price list* … almost ready… coming to you soon!
Please advise the best email address to send you your password to access on-line hardware pricing & product specifications.
Equus Fabrics
*Specials* …Ask me!
Pace Fabrics Corp
*Silk* Dupioni …Yup ask me!

Just a note…
Most companies that I represent have specials e-blasts quite often.
Please advise if you’d like to be on these email lists as soon as possible for the next ones.
Your consideration/orders of our materials are greatly appreciated by all of us at …. Trade Source Agencies.
Many thanks,
Jan Wallace